Podcast: The Housing Dilemma

In this podcast interview with the New Bazaar’s Cardiff Garcia, we talk about how we got here in this housing dilemma with so much shelter inflation on home prices and rent. 


The shelter inflation isn’t just about home prices either; rent inflation is also booming. Something I talked about with the Washington Post early in 2021 before CPI data took off. 

Don’t make it too complicated folks, demographics equal demand, supply is low.

“We have always held to the hope, the belief, the conviction that there is a better life, a better world, beyond the horizon.” Franklin D. Roosevelt

Logan Mohtashami is a Lead Analyst for Housing Wire, financial writer, and blogger covering the U.S. economy with a specialization in the housing market. Logan Mohtashami, now retired, spends his days and nights looking at charts and nothing else